RESEARCH: Alternate Vehicle Power Sources (65 minutes max)
- Split students up into no more than 12 groups
- Groups use the internet to find and describe alternate sources of vehicle power other than gasoline (10-15 minutes)
Groups pick ONE to present
- First come first serve
- What is it?
- Describe HOW it works
- Advantages?
- Disadvantages?
Groups will present to the class (50 minutes)
- Person with the most number of letters in their first and last name combined will present
- Presentation should be NO MORE THAN 3 minutes each
Collect research
DISTRIBUTE: VIDEO – Who Killed The Electric Car?
PLAY: VIDEO – Who Killed The Electric Car? (93 minutes)
- Start the video no later than 10:05am/1:40pm
- You can start sooner if you want time to discuss the video afterward
- Students watch video and answer question sheet
Collect sheets