Divergent Thinking

Estimated time: 1hr 17min

You may want to review for yourself what this is about, as it is a very odd assignment. You may also wish to inform the students that –I– am requesting the assignment of them.  You must not at any time tell them what to expect on this assignment.  If they know the outcome, they will converge their ideas onto a single solution – I don’t want that.

This is an assignment in divergent thinking. Divergent thinking is intended to get people thinking “outside the box” (I hate clichés).  Most thinking and brainstorming (convergent) is intended to focus on a specific solution to a problem.  Divergent thinking fragments your ideas into often bizarre potential outcomes.

Begin assignment by discussing traditional brainstorming techniques. You may want demonstrate examples.

  • Brainstorm a solution for a “portable horizontal worksurface” – ask the kids for input as to what they would need. (keep it clean)
  • Brainstorm a solution for a “human-powered gravity assisted low-friction hill slider” (like a snowboard/toboggan or something)
  • Now we will explore divergent thinking!

Split the class into groups of no more than three and no less than two

  • Each group receives:
    • one sheet of 8.5×11 paper
    • one sheet of 11×17 paper
  • Students will divide the 8.5×11 sheet into 3 equal sections (folded or lines drawn, not ripped)
    • SECTION 1: students should spend about 10 minutes thinking up and writing down one as many different ways to SORT things as they can – write them on the sheet, do not share with neighbour! You will need to circulate to make sure the students are on task – they will become quite energetic with such freedom, I’m sure.
    • SECTION 2: In the second section, students should spend about 10 minutes thinking up and writing down as many different ways to SEPARATE things as they can – these, too, should be written on the sheet.
    • SECTION 3:students should spend about 10 minutes thinking up and writing down as many different ways to CUT things as they can – these, too, should be written on the sheet.

Students will then spend 10 minutes discussing and deciding as a group which seven words/ideas they wrote down that they like the best. Circle those seven words/ideas.

Students will then spend 30 minutes (or so) to draw a picture on the 11×17 of a MACHINE that utilizes these seven chosen words/ideas in it’s operation to TRIM GRASS (not a lawnmower per se)

Quality Quality Quality work!

Collect the drawings, with the written words/ideas stapled to the back. Ensure the students put their names on the pages!

Weird assignment, eh?


Alternate terms: Locate; Move; Carry; Design a Vehicle