Problem 6: Sweeps and Lofts
Attempt this problem after completing Tutorial 6. The problem will test your knowledge of sweeps and lofts.
Problem Statements (There are 2 Parts to Create)
Create the pipe shown below using a SWEEP. Create the trajectory with three straight lines. The outer diameter of the pipe must be 20mm, and the inner diameter should be 15mm.
If you were smart, you did two circles and SWEPT a pipe and you were done. If you shelled it, you need to click BOTH ENDS of the pipe to make it hollow all the way through – this is MORE WORK for you! If you did a second smaller sweep as a cut, congratulations: you did this the HARDEST WAY POSSIBLE.
Create the part shown below using a LOFT. Hint: All of the cross-sections should be square.
Use the SNIPPING TOOL to do a WINDOW screen capture, and save the file into the HANDIN FOLDER with YOUR NAME and TUTORIAL/PROBLEM NAME (ie: wellwood-tutorial-1.png)
Now complete Tutorial 7