Course material for AutoCAD, Fusion360, and RevIt.
I start with 3D Solid Modeling and 3D Printing, and end with 2D Architectural Design (3D in Level 2 & 3).
You should have received an “invite” email from Autodesk, set up by me.
Register, Download and Install Fusion360:
On the school computers, you MUST use the install file in the folder:
“DATA (i:) \Fusion 360 Client“
FUSION360(~60 hours) |
ARCHITECTURELevel 2 & 3 (~60 hours) |
OLD CURRICULUMAutoCAD (My old AutoCAD course; – no longer used by me) |
Before we get into this, I want to be very clear on some expectations:
- Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. You, Me, even little Billy.
- You get a LOT further in life if you treat others with respect.
- Politeness is my Kryptonite; I have a really hard time saying “no” to polite.
- Your Work Habit mark will reflect this.
- This is a “hands-on” course; you cannot succeed if you are not here. You can’t get paid if you ain’t there.
- You are expected to be ON TIME, and attend class for the DURATION of class.
- When you will be away: YOU PHONE ME and leave a message IN ADVANCE and I will excuse that day from your Day Sheet – I will not excuse assignments
- Your Letter Grade will indirectly reflect this.
- Your Work Habit mark will reflect this.
- Don’t be a Quitter; Quitters never prosper.
- Give me your effort, I will give you my help.
- I will NEVER give you a task that you cannot do.
- Everybody makes misteaks; life is full of them. What matters is how you DEAL with mistakes.
- Your Work Habit mark will reflect this.
- If you don’t do the work, you don’t get paid. Pure and simple. This is LIFE.
- Your Letter Grade will reflect this.
- Your Work Habit mark will reflect this.
- ALL of us have to do what we are told, even ME.
- You don’t stay employed if you cannot follow instruction.
- Be “teachable.”
- Your Letter Grade will likely reflect this.
- Your Work Habit mark will reflect this.
- WORK HABITS are FAR more important than your GRADES.
- WORK HABITS are WAY more important than your GRADES.
- WORK HABITS are MUCH more important than your GRADES.
I’m hoping this isn’t new to you (but I’ll know pretty quick if it is).