Hey! Politicians:


With another federal election upon us, I have a tip for “the suits in charge:”

Just run the dang country, already.

Stop making all these stupid political promises that you will neither follow through on, nor stick to, just to get re-elected.

Stop playing all these stupid political games to either make yourself look good, stall bills, prevent anything from being accomplished, annoy the other party, or whatever menial non-country-running motivation has captured your self-centered heart.

I bet you’d get a lot more voter turn-out if we actually believed that you actually made a difference up there on the hill.  I’m gathering you do, but we see ABSOLUTELY NOTHING from/of our local representatives until election time, and then they disappear.  It just appears as if it’s all a game to you.

“It doesn’t matter who you vote for – the government always gets in.” –Unknown

Just run the dang country already.